What is Consignment selling?
According to Wikipedia
Consignment is the act of consigning, the act of giving over to another person or agent’s charge, custody or care any material or goods but retaining legal ownership until the material or goods are sold. That may be done for the purpose of shipping the goods, transferring the goods to auction or intending the goods to be placed on sale in a store (a consignment store).
According to Bullitt Classic Cars
We take care of promoting your vehicle or stock parts and work as an intermediary.
You don’t have to worry about advertising through different channels and you can avoid the hassle of answering the phone or having strangers on your private property.
Our consignment rates are very reasonable, we charge a fixed amount on the selling price, and you don’t have to pay us anything until the car is sold.
You also have the choice to have your car or parts listed on Ebay, or not. If you choose for this option, listing and selling fees will then be charged as well of course.
Why choose for Bullitt Classic Cars as your consignee?
We do all the work and you just have to collect the check, it can’t be any easier!
Through a monthly report you can follow our efforts and response from potential buyers. We keep you informed from day 1 until your car or part is sold.
We have an excellent reputation in the States and in Europe, this way an international market opens up which only benefits the chances of selling your vehicle or parts much faster then if you only have the local market to work with.
We take care of your vehicle and/or parts until they are sold while you retain full ownership.
If you are interested or if you want more info, just contact us on our cell (352)201 4778 or send us an email at bullittclassiccars@hotmail.com.
We are here for YOU !!